Tuesday, April 21

24 - fansite pack - Jack Bauer


  1. these are really amazing... thanks for the man who maked this page.... rea rre rea realllllyyy owwwwwwwwwwwww..... thank uuu sooo much... i reallyy love these pic and wallpapers... my computer is now soooo cutee... haha... we need more of these wallpapers... newest... plzzz... thankkk

  2. Thanks! I am a big fan of 24 series, so I have gathered this from the internet. It's relly nice to see that someone has appreciated this. n_n

  3. My Pleasureee Mr Carlibux... think i'm searching the internet from 2 years .. every site for the pics of 24, but these wallpapers and pics was the best i have... soo much nice collection... but hey something i need... the Theme of 24-CTU for my computer.. that in every minute it says automatically (The Following Takes place.... with the clock ticking. i found it somewhere.. but that didnt worked... can u help me to find this? and one thing else... the animated 24 u shared is a li'l small. can u share a full screen of it? and one thing else.. the fonts of 24 u shared is not working... i found the ban gothec medium from another site... but couldnt find the lcd.. coz which one i downloaded from ur page.. it didnt worked.

  4. hello again! I have tried myself the links above with the fonts and they still work. They are archived so I think you need a program like win zip or total commander to see inside the archives. Also if you look above the download button for the Bank Gothic font, you will see that it says "24 time screensaver", click it! You will find that is the theme that you are looking for, the one that says: "The Following Takes place...." with the clock ticking ;)

  5. wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... thisss iss veryy nice.. the screen saver is lovellyy.... thankk yooouu soo much.... im very Happy man... but there something missing.. when jack says: the following takes........ after that there is no clock ticking... i would be really very nice... if the clock ticking also had ticked in every sexond... tick tickkk tickk.... can u do this mr carlibux?

  6. no, that it's not doable :). I didn't make that screensaer, I have just collected it :P
