Wednesday, September 23

HALO 3 ODST - trailer

One of the best trailers that was ever made for a game

Thanks to: addichim


Nijikon, Conventia Fanilor Anime din Romania nu are o istorie prea lunga, dar e una destul de fructuoasa. In Octombrie 2007, in cadrul Muzeului National de Arta Contemporana, scotea timid capul in lume prima editie a conventiei. Aceasta a reusit sa stranga aproape 1500 de vizitatori, fiind un succes suficient de mare incat sa se organizeze o a doua editie, de data aceasta intr-un mod ceva mai profesional. Nijikon 2008, cu cei aproape 3000 de vizitatori stransi in doua zile, a dovedit ca piata anime/manga romaneasca are un real potential.

Aceasta a treia editie a conventiei, impreuna cu cei peste 20 de parteneri ce vor participa cu standuri, asteapta aproape 4000 de vizitatori in cele doua zile ale sale, 24 si 25 Octombrie. Locatia este Palatul National al Copiilor, exact aceeasi adresa ca anul trecut.

Pretul intrarii in acest an este de 8 RON/zi si se vor folosi bratari de marcaj pentru acces. Cosplayerii ce se inscriu in concurs fac exceptie, ei primind o legitimatie ce le va oferi acces complet in ambele zile, pentru doar 12 RON (echivalentul a 6 RON pe zi).


Nijikon, 24-24 Octombrie, Palatul National al Copiilor

Program: Intre orele 10.00 si 21.00, atat Sambata cat si Duminica

Mijloace de transport: 312, 313, 381, 76

Pret intrare: 8 RON/zi; 12 RON ambele zile pentru cosplayerii inscrisi la concurs


Orice alte informatii (participare cu stand, intrebari legate de parteneri si conventie in general etc.) pot fi cerute la adresa de mail:

Friday, September 18

Amintiri din Epoca de Aur

Amintiri din Epoca de Aur, filmul colectiv scris si regizat de Cristian Mungiu, va rula in Romania sub forma a doua filme distincte care vor fi proiectate in cinematografe la distanta de o luna. Prima parte, comedia Amintiri din Epoca de Aur 1: Tovarasi, frumoasa e viata!, va putea fi vazuta incepand din 25 septembrie in Bucuresti, Iasi, Cluj, Constanta, Timisoara, Bacau si Pitesti. Partea a doua, Dragoste in timpul liber va rula in cinematografe din 23 octombrie.

Ce mai faci?

Ce mai faci?How are you?

Transforma (whose line is it anyway?)

I had so much fun watching this:
(you may not understand the language, but it doesn't matter, cause is so funny)

Correction (I didn't know until now) - this is maked after "whose line is it anyway?", I have youtube-it thanks to my friend XELU, and find the truth :P

Thursday, September 17

My T-Shirts designs on

Yesterday [16.09.2009] I have put my first work on [Resident Evil zombie] Today it has allready 23 votes. Today I have made the concept for the clown (Silviu - good friend of mine, suggested that I should make an evil clown, and I did :D) Hope you will enjoy it to, and visit to see more of my works in the near future.

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood

THE OLD WEST, 1864. In order to save their family, the McCall brothers will kill anyone who stands between them and the legendary Gold of Juarez. But when the allure of women and money tests their bond as brothers, will the blood they share prove to be thicker?

  • Become a Gunslinger — Harness a variety of weapons from various pistols to heavy-caliber cannons and machine guns. Every accurate shot increases your concentration, which allows you to unleash deadly shooting modes when outnumbered — and even deadlier ones when the brothers work together.
  • Dual Collaborative Gameplay — Choose to embody Ray or Thomas, each with a distinctive gameplay style (close- or long-range), specific abilities (lasso, dynamite, etc.) and arsenal of deadly weapons (dual guns, long-range carbine, etc.). Take advantage of each of their strengths and you just might survive some of the fiercest fights imaginable.
  • Never-Before-Seen Western Experience — Experience iconic settings full of outlaws in the West before it was tamed. The McCall brothers face a renegade Apache Chief, a greedy Mexican bandit, a vindictive colonel — just a few of the underhanded villains standing in the brothers’ way. Explore the vast natural landscapes of the mythical Wild West and its legendary period on horseback and in wagons and canoes.
  • Innovative Online Multiplayer — Unique modes, numerous maps and a variety of classes guarantee endless hours of Wild West action.
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood TRAILER